Joe Kubert original artist
Well, it doesn't get much goofier than this, now does it? And considering this furry little fable offered a temporary breather for the "War That Time Forgot" feature that regularly ran in these pages, that's saying a mouthful! You all recall the, um, unique concept behind THAT particular battle series, dont'cha? U.S. soldiers trapped on an island during World War Two, simultaneously fighting Nazis AND dinosaurs!?! Not that the two groups were allied or anything, but even if they weren't working in tandem, that's an AWFUL lot to ask of our servicemen, wouldn't you agree? Under the circumstances, maybe drafting apes isn't such a preposterous notion after all?...
Actually, our friend Charlie here wasn't inducted by the military, but his trainer--a reservist with the unlikely name of Pinky Donovan--found himself called back to active duty and away from his circus act, leaving his gorilla friend to fend for himself. Well, due to a series of largely unexplainable events, the sort typically found in a Bob Kanigher penned flight of fancy, the hairy half of the act finds himself fighting in the South Pacific alongside his erstwhile master! Falling back upon moves taught him by long-time Marine Donovan, Charlie brings his faux gyrene moves to the jungle and directly to the enemy, triumphing over the Japanese--and logic--every step of the way! Despite the ape's inexplicable success, the unit's commanding officer is not amused, impressed, or at all happy with the situation. But when, at tail's--er, I mean--TALE'S end, Charlie plants and raises Old Glory in a fashion that'd make those fellows at Iwo Jima proud, the C.O. FINALLY relents. Won over by the dizzying series of events that preceded the flag waving finale, the stunned officer tentatively approaches his units best "man", a slab of tin in his hand, and utters that immortal line: "How in blue blazes do you pin a medal on a gorilla?" How indeed, Bob, how indeed?

Did I mention that this episode boasted top-notch Joe Kubert artwork? Yeah, it sure did. On rare leave from the battle-weary pages of OUR ARMY AT WAR's ongoing Sgt. Rock saga, Kubert provides an art job that brilliantly straddles the war milieu he was already well celebrated for with the magnificent jungle material he was soon to provide DC with on the Tarzan books just a few short years hence. It's a rare combination, and for the pure, unbridled enjoyment the Kubert art delivers to the comics' connoisseur, it's well worth the effort of putting up with author/editor Kanigher's monkeyshines!!